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VIDEO about DaLong, co-founder of the 3 Fingers Project…

WSP_PeacePlusOne  Support the World Sustainability Project and the co-founder Philip McMaster 大龙

请帮助大龙继续他3个手指项目   通过以下信息来发现更多, 请搜索: “3FingerW” , “Philip McMaster” 以及访问 www.WorldSustainability.Org。谢谢

… please help DaLong to continue the 3 Finger Project..

philip – iPhone (Cellular)

c_GuiZhou_BaiQiuEn_MG_7520 cmp_BTV_BaiQiuEn_Guizhou doc_PeacePlusOne_LinzhouPeaceFestival_4148 doc_PeacePlusOne_MG_3562

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Do something MEANINGFUL – DONATE your TIME, MONEY, RESOURCES to  help Dalong and the 3 Finger Project – search: “3FingerW” , “Philip McMaster” and visit www.World Sustainability.Org
为了帮助大龙的3个手指项目,请搜索: “3FingerW” , “Philip McMaster” 以及访问 www.World Sustainability.Org
